
Monday, November 17, 2008

Passing Moments

Got rather inspired by Casshern , and the new song "street lights" by Kanye West . Both have such an emotional impact . So I liked the idea of the ending in Casshern where Tetsuya is riding with his wife . They seem so happy , I think the reasoning behind it is because its so simple . He rides his bike and she simple holds on to him tight as if they don't want the moment to end.
Such a simple scene yet there is so much impact.


S.I. said...

Ah such a calm environment! You must really like painting clouds! I kinda wish the characters were fleshed out a little more, especially since you showed a detailed shot of them.
Simple yet effective, i like that!

Kalen Chock said...

yeah i was thinking about it until i got lazy. but overall i just wanted to get the overall feeling of it so i wasn't too worried about detail , more about the overall mood i guess. And indeed I love painting clouds , but usually my peers don't because I used to do it all the time. I appreciate the comments and concerns . However you didn't smile for me!!!

Fabiola said...

It tells a story. All your paintings are starting to show that trait, and the improvement is showing. You will get far for sure Kalen. Keep it going.

Chris Chien said...

awww.. that's so cute.